Javascript session variables without cookies
Jun 2014
Sat 14
Using the sessionvars js library to create persistent variables between static pages
Microsoft System Center 2012 with Hyper-V
Jun 2014
Tue 10
Learning all about virtualisation with Hyper-V
Using Pelican to generate and manage static websites.
May 2014
Fri 30
Want to avoid a backend? Here's an option
Creating configuration scripts and Makefiles using autoconf & automake
Mar 2014
Thu 13
Allowing users to configure and build your app on any platform
VIDEO: Radiation Damage Collision Cascade Simulation in Graphite
Feb 2014
Thu 20
A short video of a MD simulation of a collision cascade in graphite
VIDEO: A Simple 3D Interactive Renderer with a GUI.
Dec 2013
Sun 08
A simple example using Qt, VTK and Python.
VIDEO: Visualisation of Y2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore
Jun 2013
Thu 20
A quick video of pyrochlore unit cell rendered with AVAS
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